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Sento Occhio: Exploring the Unique Italian Art of Eye Sending


Italy is known for its rich cultural heritage, and one of the lesser-known aspects of Italian culture is the fascinating art of “sento occhio.” Sento occhio is the practice of sending messages using only eye movements, and it is a unique form of communication that has been passed down through generations of Italian families. In this article, we will explore the history and significance of sento occhio, as well as its modern-day uses.

History of Sento Occhio

The origins of sento occhio are difficult to trace, but it is thought to have originated in Southern Italy in the early 20th century. The practice was used by people who were unable to speak or write, such as those who were deaf, mute, or illiterate. It was also used as a secret form of communication, especially during times of political oppression or social stigma. Sento occhio was passed down through families, often from parent to child, and was used as a way to communicate in a covert and subtle manner.

How Sento Occhio Works

Sento occhio works by using a series of eye movements to convey specific messages. The movements are usually subtle and require close attention to detail in order to be properly interpreted. For example, a slight shift of the eyes to the left might signify “yes,” while a slight shift to the right might mean “no.” Other movements might be used to indicate numbers, letters, or specific words. It takes years of practice and training to become proficient in sento occhio, and it is considered a highly skilled art form.

The Significance of Sento Occhio

Sento occhio is more than just a means of communication – it is part of Italy’s cultural heritage. It is a testament to the resourcefulness and ingenuity of Italian people, who found ways to communicate even when traditional forms of communication were not available to them. Sento occhio is also a symbol of the importance of family and community in Italian culture. The practice was passed down through generations of families, and it was often used within close-knit communities to send secret messages and maintain connections between people.

Modern-Day Uses of Sento Occhio

Although sento occhio is no longer a widely-used form of communication, it still holds a special place in Italy’s cultural history. Some Italians still practice sento occhio as a way to connect with their heritage and keep the tradition alive. Others use it as a fun and unique way to communicate with friends and family. In recent years, there has also been interest in sento occhio as a form of nonverbal communication for people with disabilities, such as those with speech or hearing impairments.


Sento occhio is a fascinating and unique aspect of Italian culture, and it is a testament to the resilience and creativity of Italian people. Although it is no longer a widely-used form of communication, it still holds a special place in the hearts of many Italians. It is a reminder of the power of human connection, and the creativity that can arise in even the most challenging circumstances.